
Where is the Best Place to Buy HXRO?

In conclusion

We recently wrote an idiots predictions model to work out the fair value for the HXRO token and since then we have had a lot of questions from the community asking where is the best place to buy HXRO?

It is a little confusing I’ll admit as liquidity is pretty fragmented but that is now being resolved. So, here we go; how and where to buy HXRO. 

How to invest in HXRO on Solana

There are two ways to buy the HXRO token.

  1. Off the Solana network on a DEX called Raydium. You can also access this liquidity through Jupiter.

2) Off the Ethereum network on a DEX called Uniswap.

Buying HXRO on Binance

You can fund your Binance wallet by using your credit card or doing a bank transfer directly to the exchange. Once you have funded your wallet you can buy the HXRO directly off the spot market.

Alternatively, you can deposit any crypto that Binance supports into your Binance account and from there you can swap to BUSD or SOL.

In order to stake your HXRO tokens, you will have to transfer your tokens to the Solana network. You will have to send it to your Phantom Wallet.

Sending HXRO to Solana

So, here we are, a quick and dirty guide to accessing Solana, setting up a Phantom wallet and buying HXRO. 

Everyone seems to be familiar with MetaMask, so we are going to make the analogy here, although I believe Phantom is far superior to MetaMask, don’t hate me. 

To break it down in layman's terms we have:

Network: Solana
Token: SOL
Token Standard: SPL
Wallet: Phantom
Withdrawal and deposit network needed: Solana
Available to withdraw from Binance,
DEX: Raydium, Serum, Orca.

Aggregator: Jupiter.

If you are familiar with Ethereum or BSC their analogous counterparts look like this

Network: Ethereum
Token: ETH
Token Standard: ERC20
Wallet: MetaMask
Withdrawal and deposit network needed: Ethereum
Available to withdraw from Binance

DEX: Uniswap, Sushi etc

Network: Binance Smart Chain
Token: BNB
Token Standard: BEP20
Wallet: MetaMask
Withdrawal and Deposit network needed: BSC
Available to withdraw from Binance
DEX: Pancake Swap

Make Sense? If it doesn’t then just give us a shout in our Discord we will be able to help.

For HXRO Discord https://discord.com/invite/8rWajs2Dqu

Setting up a Phantom wallet - 

This couldn’t be easier, just head to https://phantom.app/ and click add to chrome. 

This will then install Phantom wallet into your google chrome browser. Follow the setup instructions.



Before you ask, NO, you can’t use MetaMask, Solana is not just another EVM-compatible shitchain I am afraid.

So now you have Phantom installed in your browser, sign in and head to the top of the wallet, yes, just like MetaMask, and copy your address. f

Right anyway, now you have an understanding of the landscape and have your wallet set up, you will need some SOL for gas. A tiny amount is sufficient. You can buy SOL gas from Binance and any other exchange you may have an account with. You can then send the SOL to your Phantom wallet.

On your exchange, you will need to head to your exchange wallet and click withdraw. 

Copy your phantom wallet address and paste it into the SOL withdrawal address box. 



I am repeating this as a lot of people get confused about networks and tokens etc. If you withdraw to MetaMask the transaction won’t go through anyway so that will save some confusion. 

Cool, now because of how lightning-fast Solana is, your SOL and/or HXRO should arrive in a few seconds depending on how fast Binance gets their act together.

Once it arrives you are free to explore the ecosystem. 

If you would rather purchase SOL or USDC and then purchase HXRO on-chain you can simply follow the steps above and send SOL or USDC to your Phantom wallet and then begin the process below.

Note: If you are sending USDC you will need a little SOL for gas once on the network. Head to our Discord where we have a gas channel to help out with things like this if you get stuck. 

Buying HXRO on Solana

Raydium has the highest amount of liquidity and is the best place to trade HXRO. 

Be sure to click Launch App and then you will see the swap interface.

From here it gets familiar if you have used an AMM/DEX before like  Uniswap, Trader Joe etc. Make sure to connect your wallet once you have launched the app.

If you attempt to swap your SOL for a token of your choice then make sure the top box is SOL and the bottom is said token. 

You can find token addresses at several different places. For the HXRO token, the address on Solana is HxhWkVpk5NS4Ltg5nij2G671CKXFRKPK8vy271Ub4uEK

Please verify HERE.

In the second drop-down box, you must select and enter the contract address in the address to search for. You must paste the contract address here.

From there hit “Swap”. 

You will always need a residual amount of SOL in your wallet roughly, 0.1 SOL to carry out a transaction so don’t go maxing it all out. Or you will have to buy more and send it over. 

That is basically it. Simple really. 

The Bridgooooor method…

Buying HXRO on the Ethereum network

If you are buying HXRO on the Ethereum network it is safe to assume you know what you are doing. If not, then how the heck did you get on mainnet? You must have some serious superpowers and we need to have a word with you. 

The best liquidity to buy HXRO is on Uniswap.

The contract address is 0x4bd70556ae3f8a6ec6c4080a0c327b24325438f3

Please address and verify

Once you have bought HXRO on mainnet you need to send it to Solana. You can use the wormhole here.

Ok, well done, you did it. 

For any assistance join the HXRO Discord https://discord.com/invite/8rWajs2Dqu

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