
Getting Started on Tenet Protocol: A How-To Guide (pt.1)

October 3, 2023

In conclusion

In my usual way, I went through the thorough laydown of what Tenet protocol entails in the previous article written by a fellow ooga booga at blocmates, and I arrived at the conclusion that: Tenet equates to Layer 1s or 2s on steroids!

Here’s why: Tenet protocol is an EVM-compatible blockchain with user-app-like architecture combining the finest progresses of the DeFi space to develop an extra-secure layer 1 with absolutely mental potential. Unlike typical layer 1 solutions, Tenet differentiates itself by providing double the security, surpassing any other PoS layer 1 through the astute utilization of established security mechanisms from other PoS chains (basket of LSTs restaked on Tenet), a concept referred to as Diversified Proof of Stake or DiPoS.

In our previous Tenet rundown, we took a nose dive into the nitty gritty of this special layer 1. Today, we are here to help you embark on your journey within the Tenet ecosystem, offering straightforward guidance on how to integrate the network with your Metamask wallet, access the native wallet, transfer your LST tokens, and perform various other essential actions. Although the Tenet mainnet is currently operational, it's important to note that it remains in the beta phase. What this means is that we can only provide guides for operational aspects of the protocol and continue to update this guide until every part is live!

Let’s get into it, shall we?


In this article, we will cover the following live functions:

  • Adding the network to metamask
  • Installing the EVA app wallet
  • Purchasing $TENET
  • Using the native bridge
  • Liquidity migration to TENET OFT
  • Wrapping $TENET

Adding the Mainnet network to Metamask

To get started with Tenet mainnet, you have to add the network to your extension wallet, in this case, Metamask is supported. However, you can also interact with the Tenet protocol via the flagship wallet, the EVA app wallet. 

To add Tenet (Mainnet) to your metamask:

  • Go to your metamask wallet or install metamask wallet extension on your web browser
  • Go to add network and click on add manually
  • Proceed to add the following:
  • Network Name: Tenet Mainnet
  • New RPC URL: https://rpc.tenet.org
  • ChainID: 1559
  • Symbol: TENET
  • Explorer: https://tenetscan.io/

Tenet RPC endpoints:

  • HTTPs: https://rpc.tenet.org
  • WSS: wss://rpc.tenet.org/ws
  • Click on “Add network”, and voila! You’re now on Tenet Mainnet.  


  • Go to https://tenet.org/
  • Click on the “mainnet beta” button at the top right of your screen
  • You will be redirected to the ‘Docs’ page, you can copy and paste the right details from here on.

Installing the EVA app wallet

As we mentioned above, you can also interact with Tenet via the Eva app wallet on your mobile device.

To do so,

  • Proceed to https://tenet.org/ on your mobile browser
  • Click on the toggle to the top right of the screen as shown below
  • Proceed to click on “Eva” after which you’ll be redirected to the page where you can either install via the App Store for IOS users or the playstore for Android users 
  • Proceed to install the app and enter your email address to sign in 
  • You’ll be sent a verification code to your email
  • Click on “Approve login request” after which you’ll be redirected to a page that shows “verification successful”
  • Minimize the page and click on the Eva app 
  • Wait for a few seconds, you’ll be automatically redirected and logged in 
  • Congrats! You’ve installed the Eva app wallet. 

Purchasing $TENET

What comes next is purchasing the TENET token in order to interact with the protocol. You can buy the token on any of the supported exchanges as displayed in the image below: 

  • Go to https://tenet.org 
  • Click on “Trade $TENET Now” At the top centre of the screen
  • The eligible exchanges where Tenet is traded will be displayed as shown below:
  • Click on any of the above to purchase TENET. 
  • Go to your Eva app or Metamask wallet and copy your address
  • Send some TENET via the Tenet network to your wallet. 

Alternatively, you can purchase $TENET via Maverick protocol: 

Liquidity Migration

If you already own some $TENET tokens in your wallet prior to the migration announcement, you can migrate your tokens from ERC20 TENET to the ERC20 TENET OFT (Omnichain fungible token). To do this: 

  • Go to https://app.tenet.org 
  • Connect your wallet 
  • Switch your network from Tenet Mainnet to Ethereum Mainnet
  • Proceed to click on “Migrator” 
  • Insert the amount of TENET you intend to Migrate. 
  • Proceed to click on “Migrate” and confirm the transaction in your wallet. 
  • There you go! Your new tokens are officially OFT
  • The steps are shown below 👇🏽 

Using the Native bridge

Tenet’s native bridge is powered by LayerZero and allows you to bridge assets to and from Tenet, mainly LSTs as well as other eligible Stablecoins such as DAI, and to bridge TENET between different networks.

To bridge your LSTs or other assets to Tenet:

  • Go to https://app.tenet.org/ 
  • Connect your wallet 
  • Click on the “Bridge” button at the left of the screen
  • Ensure you’re on the right network 
  • Proceed to select the appropriate chain your LSTs or assets are on and select the asset. E.g: cbETH 
  • Fill in the amount you intend to bridge to Tenet or if max, click on the “MAX” button as displayed below. 
  • Proceed to click on “Bridge” and confirm the transaction in your wallet. 

You can also bridge to a different address than the one connected. 

To do so: 

  • click on Receive “The selected asset” to another wallet as shown below. 
  • Copy and paste the preferred destination wallet address. 
  • Click on bridge and confirm the transaction in your wallet. 

How to Wrap and Unwrap TENET

You can also wrap the TENET token to be used across the ecosystem. 

To do so: 

  • Go to https://app.tenet.org 
  • Connect wallet and proceed to click on the “Wrapper” button to the left of your screen
  • Select “Wrap” and input the amount of TENET you intend on wrapping, proceed to click wrap and confirm the transaction in your wallet. 

To Unwrap: 

  • Select “Unwrap” 
  • Input the preferred amount you intend to unwrap 
  • Click on “unwrap wTENET
  • Confirm the transaction in your wallet and your token will be unwrapped 

Additionally, to check your transactions, click on the “Tenetscan” button as shown below. After which you’ll be redirected to the network's scan page. 

How to Earn $TENET and $MAV token via LPing

Providing liquidity to the boosted TENET/USDT pool gives users an opportunity to earn more TENET and MAV tokens via yield farming on Maverick protocol. 

Here’s how to go about it: 

  • This will automatically add the liquidity and stake the LP token  

Closing thoughts

From the dashboard as shown in the images above, you can tell that more updates are coming that’ll allow users to Restake their bridged LSTs, mint the LSDC stablecoin, use the native DEX, and lock TENET to receive veTENET. 

Nonetheless, while we anticipate these updates, You can use the guide above to try out the currently live features on Tenet Mainnet, but be informed that the protocol is currently in Beta and will continue to be improved upon before being completely open for use. 

It's important to stay on top of the updates by following the project on X and the Project’s Telegram channel.

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Confirm connection in the extension

The current connected wallet does not hold a LARP. To get access to the Meal Deal please connect a wallet which holds a LARP. Alternatively, visit Opensea to purchase one or visit Join the Meal Deal to purchase a subscription

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